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"Avoid sugar consumption for best health"

 "Avoid sugar consumption for best health"

Hidden sugars are abundant in many processed foods and drinks, which are frequently mainstays in contemporary diets.


On Thursday, health expert Dr. Babar Saleem stated that consuming less sugar is necessary to address growing health concerns and enhance general well-being.

"Excessive sugar intake is a major contributor to various health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases," he stated.

Dr. Saleem emphasized that people should take charge of their health by making educated food choices, drawing attention to the startlingly high rates of sugar intake in public.

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Hidden sugars are abundant in many processed foods and drinks, which are frequently mainstays in contemporary diets.

He noted that a lot of processed foods and drinks, which are frequently mainstays in contemporary diets, are loaded with hidden sugars and are causing the health issue. This emphasizes the importance of starting awareness campaigns about the dangers of consuming a lot of sugar and offering helpful advice for cutting back on intake.

"The goal of these initiatives is to enable people to choose better foods and lead more sustainable lifestyles. Cutting back on sugar doesn't have to mean giving up on flavor or enjoyment. It all comes down to choosing wisely and watching what we eat. Our general health can be significantly improved by making small adjustments, the speaker continued.

He urged the health authorities to press food producers to reduce the amount of sugar in their products through reformulation. The objective is to establish a welcoming atmosphere that encourages healthy decisions for


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